Sunday Matters: And Just Like That, Christmas Is Over and 2022 is Here

Sunday Matters

The holidays sneak up on us every year but this year it seemed to come and go so quickly. That’s what happens when you only see your kids for a short while and everything hangs on that visit. I am so glad that they could both be here for a little while.

My son was with us for a week but left on Christmas Eve to return to his cat Root Beer and his AmeriCorps gig. Good timing because his little town in Kansas has been below 10 degrees for their high and although Root Beer was feral, it’s too cold for her. Luckily while he was gone the temps were mild.

Right Now:

Student ministry is breaking until January 9th so I have my Sunday mornings to lounge around and be lazy.

This Week:

I have off until 1/10 so I have one last week to enjoy. My daughter leaves on 1/16 so she has some time to hang out as well. All I have this week is book club and I just remembered it. I suppose I should read the book, Migrations.



I will be reading the above for book club but I selected my first book of the year as well so I will be piggy-backing this one with that one. More to come on that.


I sipped the Squid Game Kool-Aid and now I am hooked.

Grateful for:

  • A nice warm house to cozy up in. It’s been so cold here.
  • My time off. I do love this time of the year.

Have a wonderful Sunday and great week! Happy New Year!

9 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: And Just Like That, Christmas Is Over and 2022 is Here”

  1. Having your daughter home until the 16th must be wonderful. I am glad you get extended time with her. And, you’re off until the 10th? Amazing.

  2. But hey, your kids were able to be with you…so that’s a good thing too, right? 🙂

    Hope you enjoyed this morning being off from student ministry and continue to enjoy your time off the rest of this week. Here, I’m back to work tomorrow, but Kim and I were able to spend New Year’s together for the first time in a long time so that was (very) good.

  3. I am glad your children were able to spend the holidays with you. It must have been nice to hug them again. Enjoy your last week off and the extra time with your daughter!

  4. So glad that your son got home to Root Beer before the poor thing had to deal with those freezing temps. You had your kids home, so that’s amazing. I hope you and your daughter can squeeze in some more quality time before she leaves.

    I no longer have book club reads, so I love hearing what your book club thinks.

  5. Isn’t it great to spend time with your kids? One of our daughters and her boyfriend left yesterday, the other couple is here until Saturday. So good to have them here, but I haven’t even managed to do a 2021 Wrap-Up yet…

  6. I’ll bet your kids enjoyed seeing you (and each other) as much as you did. I wonder how they’ll enjoy the winter months in the Midwest. I think February is the bleakest…

    I read Migrations with my book group last year. We had a really good discussion.

  7. Ooh Squid Game! I wouldn’t mind watching it again for the first time. It was addicting.

    Glad you got to enjoy some time with your kids over the break. Holidays do feel like they fly when you see family once in a while.

    I’ll be curious to hear what you think of Migrations. I know many have loved it but I somehow cannot convince myself to pick it up.

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