Category Archives: Life

Sunday Matters: Feeling It

Sunday Matters

Last Friday we had a special event at church that I volunteer for. A Night to Remember is prom for those with special needs. It’s always a fun night. I helped with flowers. I love to see the pure joy on those students’ faces. I’ve come to realize that during my recovery, anything “extra” requires a bit more rest for my body. So later today a much needed nap will be enjoyed.

Right Now:

Student ministry this morning. Nap this afternoon. That post-church nap always hits just right.

This Week:

On my mind this week is my MRI and CT scan. My feeling is that the pulmonary embolism is not fully resolved. I still get very winded sometimes. As for the MRI, I pray that the two tumors that were discovered later are just no more (poof, gone)  or that they haven’t grown at all.

My three days in the office have been going okay. I am admittedly wiped out after day 3 but I’m getting through it. My hair though… almost totally gone. I did buy a wig but I haven’t tried it yet. It just feels like a lot of hair! Not sure my scalp will tolerate it.


I am reading Census by Jesse Ball. I chose it for book club. It’s very different. I like it so far. It’s slightly dystopian/sci-fi. Catches me off guard sometimes. It makes you think.

Grateful for:

McDonald’s sweet tea. Ever since my brain surgery I’ve not been able to drink coffee or even have it around me. The smell!!! I used to love coffee so much but on my office days I’ve been enjoying sweet tea instead.

Sunday Matters: All the Reading

Sunday Matters

I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to be reading again. You think with surgery recovery you’ll have ALL THE TIME to read but nope. I was nauseous and looking at a page or my Kindle sent the room spinning. SO glad that phase is behind me now. I am having fun lining up all my next reads.

Right Now:

Student ministry this morning, as usual and then a meeting afterward.

This Week:

Nothing much going on this week. I  have to go in for some blood work ahead of  my CT and MRI scans but these special labs need to be scheduled and for whatever reason, my providers insist I can schedule this on my own but history tells me no. They are supposed to call it in and then I go but I will attempt to do what they asked for.


I finished, Honor. I will hopefully get that review posted this week. My next read is Census by Jesse Ball. I chose it for book club. Stephen King’s You Like It Darker (stories) comes out May 21st! That will be a good escape read.

Grateful for:

The two days that I can work from home. The three in-office days kind of wipe me out so I need those two remote days to rest up a little in between.