About Me

TiHi! My name is Ti, which is short for Tina but everyone calls me Ti. I’m a mom to two kids (three if you count my husband). I work full-time as a communications consultant for a local university. Life can be a bit hectic at times but one thing that grounds me, is reading!!

I started this blog in February 2008 (with Blogger) as a way to record my bookish thoughts. However, I was urged by friends to also include personal stories, etc. As I said, my life is hectic and things tend to happen to me. Sometimes, that makes for interesting reading!

If you’d like to contact me you can do so by emailing:


100 Things About Me

1. I yell a lot.
2. My favorite color is green.
3. If there are french fries on my plate, they must be eaten before the burger.
4. I talk to myself. All the time.
5. I like my cream, with a tiny bit of coffee.
6. I’ve never had a true, best friend.
7. The first library card I ever had, was forged by me because I couldn’t get my mom’s signature.
8. I crack my knuckles.
9. I cannot stand it when people talk on their cell phones while using the facilities.
10. I talk with buds from high school nearly every day. Facebook is good for that.
11. I tell it like it is.
12. I detest cigarette smoke even though I smoked for two years when I was younger.
13. I cannot deal with drunks.
14. Flip flops are my shoe of choice.
15. I’ve no tolerance for teens with potty mouths.
16. I’ve been known to curse like a sailor.
17. I’m not a fan of weak women.
18. I’m a reality TV junkie.
19. I prefer gift bags over wrapping paper.
20. I can’t attend movies in the theater anymore because the talking bugs me.
21. I like to plan when I am going to plan.
22. I can tell what a person is all about within 3 minutes of meeting him/her and I am always right.
23. I can’t draw anything other than stick figures.
24. I screen my phone calls before picking them up.
25. I appear to be very organized but really, I am a seething, whirling, mass of confusion.
26. I enjoy doing laundry.
27. I think I’d do well as a stand-up comic.
28. I’ve never been a fan of Botox but lately… it doesn’t sound so bad.
29. I always smell nice. Smelling nice is a priority with me.
30. I cannot stand fair-weather friends. I’d rather have none.
31. Respect is a big thing with me.
32. I can eat chili peppers with the best of ‘em.
33. I like to shop for others, but hate to shop for myself.
34. Your friendship means more to me than being recognized with an award.
35. Book lists are my life, but I am always without them at the bookstore.
36. No sweet tooth here.
37. My fave time of the day is bedtime. How sad is that?
38. I am brand loyal and have been known to buy a year’s worth of something I like.
39. My fave place to sit at the bookstore, is in one of the little chairs in the children’s section.
40. Pizza? Cheese please and please make it gluten-free.
41. I once made a student film about a crippled man, and a woman with no arms.
42. My head it too big for hats. Well, too big to look good in them.
43. I develop nervous tics if my calendar is not up-to-date.
44. Clothes must be hung-up properly. Something I retained from my days in retail.
45. I live in t-shirts and jeans.
46. I collect bookmarks.
47. Musicals rock.
48. I like to sleep with a fan on. Even when it’s cold.
49. The Body Shop’s Coconut Lip Butter is a must-have item.
50. My office is still without real windows. My “window” overlooks the reception area.
51. I don’t wear a watch because it bugs me when I type on my laptop.
52. I miss the 80′s.
53. My idea of a perfect snack food: chips and salsa.
54. Because of a hip injury, I have an over-extended first and second position (ballet).
55. I’d rather be by myself, than with a crowd of people.
56. I type so much for work, that my hands have forgotten how to write.
57. Thanksgiving is my favorite U.S. holiday.
58. I’ve never been out of the country.
59. Sometimes, I think I should have been a doctor.
60. I get along better with guys, than with women.
61. I have no patience.
62. I prefer washing dishes by hand, than using my dishwasher.
63. My key chain probably weighs at least a pound.
64. My everyday bag is an LL Bean backpack that I’ve had for years.
65. I love funny, sarcastic greeting cards but not everyone appreciates them.
66. I am a Mac user.
67. I prefer the classics over contemporary literature.
68. I understand “mean” more than I understand “rude.”
69. I often wish for a simpler life.
70. I always  make a face when I look in the mirror. I don’t know why.
72. I have a true 6th sense.
73. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
74. I brush my teeth about 6 times a day.
75. I am not a good packer. I pack way too much.
76. I’d like to live in Disneyland, on Main Street, overlooking the Candy Palace, even though I don’t like candy.
77. I like to name inanimate objects (my car is Annie, my Kindle is Duckie, etc).
78. I talk a lot.
79. I am incredibly loyal until I am crossed.
80. I like a good bit of gossip. but I can keep a promise if asked.
81. Before every vacation, I have a mini-meltdown.
82. I prefer pencils over pens.
83. My books are shelved by reading order.
84. I will always lend an ear to a friend in need. No matter how busy I am.
85. My fave food is soup.
86. I don’t shy away from conflict.
87. I don’t hold grudges.
88. I believe that TV, in moderation, is not bad for children.
89. I’d be a vegetarian if it weren’t for IN N OUT burger.
90. My pantry is a bit out of control.
91. My work desk is neat, but inside one of my desk drawers is a drawer full of chotchkes and Happy Meal toys.
92. After my morning walk, I have to blow-dry my hair again because I cannot deal with frizz.
93. My fave flowers are peonies and daisies but not together.
94. Hand lotion is a must and it has to be Bath and Body Works Lavender Vanilla Philosophy’s Pure Grace (recently changed my mind!)
95. To me, a book that’s chosen from the heart, makes the best gift ever.
96. Nearly everything I watch on TV is recorded so that I can zip through the commercials.
97. I detest the ad/channel ID bubble that appears at the bottom of TV programs and the animated ones are even worse.
98. My fave vacations are “do nothing” vacations. My family does not agree. They are “see and do” types.
99. I make a mean pot of chili.
100. Movie popcorn can make or break a movie for me.

21 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi,

    Just wanted to be a part of this and be supportive. I just finished the book by James Patterson – Cross County one of my favorite writers. It was a great book couldn’t put it down. Very Alex Cross!

  2. I read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and really enjoyed it. On my “to be read” list I have The Girl Who Played with Fire. If I understood correctly Stieg Larsson these and 1 more to be pub lished before he passed away.

    Best to All -Have a Blast,
    Denny Ulp

  3. Hi,

    I’m an author and I have just stumbled onto this site. I was born in Sweden but now live in Ireland (married to an Irishman). I write in the women’s fiction genre and also chick-lit.

    Three of my books have rcently been published on Amazon Kindle and my fifth novel is due out in paperback soon.

    I love to read too of course. Im reading ‘An Americam Wife’ by Curtis Sittenfeld ad really enjoying it.

    All the best,

  4. Hey, just wanted to say this is a wonderful site.
    And not had a best friend? What about the books? 🙂 They’ve been my best friends since forever, only tough to talk to.. but other than that, they get the job done. I even let them tag along when I go shopping.

    Well, I’m gonna read a little more on your site. Keep doing a wonderful job!

  5. Hi, Just stumbled on to this site thru book page.
    I have been an avid reader all my life and can not imagine a day without reading. I recently read a book, Evanfall, by Liz Michalski. It is her first novel and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had gone to her book signing and she was really good. I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone interested in reading something by someone new. Her book is sold on Amazon.

  6. Hi Ti,

    I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I’m glad I did. I’m always hopping to find more bookish blogs. I too miss the 80s and have only recently curtailed my Reality TV habits to get more work done.

    Anyway, I wanted to formally introduce myself. I have begun to put my blog back in action. I will return again to see what neat things you have to say.

    Ciao for now,

  7. Hi T. Nice to meet you. I’d like to read On Chesil Beach but I don’t know exactly what’s the story. Could you tell me? I read Bitter Moon by Pascal Brucnker and I loved it. You should read it. So..I think I kinda like this type , and I found this book. I’ll wait for an answer 😀 or more. Thanks.

  8. Hi! Stumbled onto your site a few weeks ago and I LOVE IT! Your reviews are great and you’ve introduced me to some fantastic books! Thanks and keep up your reviews coming!

  9. Really interesting blog! I also talk to myself, especially at home! And I also prefer to read classics, partly because I love to get in touch with other periods of time. Thank you for your book reviews, they surely do make me want to read the books. Have a great day! 🙂

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