Sunday Matters: Breaks Are Good

Sunday Matters

We are taking a little break this weekend to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. That’s right, 30th! It’s unbelievable really.

Right Now:

No student ministry today for me. I hate to miss it but a break now and then is a good thing.

This Week:

My MRI results were pretty good:

  • No re-growth of the tumor that was removed on Jan 10th.
  • The two smaller tumors are still small. No change.
  • Nearly all of the inflammation noted in previous scans has disappeared.
  • Next MRI will be in September.

I had the CT lung scan but haven’t received the results yet.


Finishing up Census by Jesse Ball. I will probably pick up Stephen King’s new one this weekend.

You Like it Darker

Grateful for:

Our little pup Chloe. She will be 13 soon. She can no longer jump up or down from the couch or bed so we have to assist her and remember not to leave her stranded when we leave for the day.  Besides that, she is in good spirits and still enjoying her sunny naps. She put up with me as I was lurching around the house after surgery so my frequent trips up and down the stairs with her is a small thing.  Gosh, I love that pup.

15 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: Breaks Are Good”

  1. Happy Anniversary!! Ours was yesterday, 44 years. We have been housebound with Covid. Felt like a bad cold and cough, so yes, it’s still out there. Glad your test results are good. Read Jennifer Chiaverini’s – The Museum of Lost Quilts. I love a good long running series, visiting with characters you haven’t read in a while. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

    1. Happy 44th! I got sick right before my scans. I felt sure it was COVID. It was only a cough but I still have it. Tested negative though. I hope the congestion didn’t mess up my lung CT because I STILL have received those results.

  2. Happy anniversary! I don’t comment so much but I’m always reading. Thankful for you and your blog! –Andi

    1. Thank you. We went to Palm Springs for a short break. It’s the first break I’ve had since brain surgery. I felt mostly normal. The long drive was something else. Holiday traffic is a beast. Hope you guys are well.

      1. Glad you had a “mostly normal” time…here, we’re healing from some physical things: tendonitis in my left wrist/forearm and cellulitis for Kim (over several months).

  3. Happy Anniversary! Good news about your MRI results. So pleased to hear. Great. And Chloe has been a good helper & companion all these years … I’m glad you have her! One of our Labs will turn 12 in July and we lift her in and out of the car … and on the bed. She’s a bit heavier than Chloe, LOL.

  4. Happy 30th, Ti! We’ll hit 44 this year. Glad your test results are positive and continue to pray that all will be well with you. 🙂

  5. I am so glad to hear the results you’ve received are so good, that must be a relief. I agree that a break is needed once in a while. With my daughter and brother in town I am also breaking from my usual routine.

    Enjoy your holiday!

  6. Happy belated anniversary! I hope you had a good get-away.

    I’m looking forward to the new Stephen King book, but still have several of his to read first. I still haven’t gotten to Holly.

    I hope you get good results from your CTscan. Glad the tumors haven’t grown. Take good care, Ti!

  7. Happy Anniversary. So glad the scans had some good news, and I’m hoping for other good news. I have an old pup myself with her arthritis in her back legs that make it hard for her to get up and down and walk on hardwood. She wears booties for that last part now.

    Have a great week. Looking forward to the new King book.

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