Tag Archives: Our Country Friends

Review: Our Country Friends

Our Country Friends

Our Country Friends
By Gary Shteyngart
Random House, 9781984855121, November 2021, 336pp.

The Short of It:

This was the perfect read for me after my surgery. It gave me “Big Chill” vibes in a totally good way.

The Rest of It:

I do not know why pandemic reading appeals to me so much during a pandemic, but it does and Our Country Friends is no exception. Yes, it takes place at the beginning of the pandemic when things began to shutdown and folks were asked to quarantine but there’s very little doom and gloom when you decide to invite your friends to an old country house to quarantine together.

There, in the country, these friends come together with their various “talents” and co-exist as the world shuts down around them. There are good meals to be had, good drink, and an energetic child to keep them all on their toes. All these friends seem very high brow and academic. Writers, and the like. An actor. An app developer. Crooked routes to romance and romantic trysts. All set within an old, country house that begins to wither before their eyes.

The story unfolds like a play on a stage. I found it to be very enjoyable with just enough of the pandemic touches to remind us that a threat does exist. I highly recommend this one. There’s humor, plenty of awkward interactions, and promise (the kind that only lifelong friendships can provide).

Source: Review copy provided by the publisher.
Disclosure: This post contains Indiebound affiliate links.

First Book: 2022

First Book 2022: Our Country Friends Today is a glorious, sunny day after days and days of rain. We got up at 4am to drop my son off at the airport and then came home and promptly went back to bed. Slept in until 10am and then I remembered that I never wrote my First Book post.

So, here it is. Sheila from Book Journey is hosting #FirstBook again and this is an event that I try not to miss. You pick your first book of the year and then she shares it in a collage format. Normally, you take a photo of yourself with the book but this year mine is an e-book, Our Country Friends by Gary Shteyngart.

Join us! What is your first book of the year?