Sunday Matters: Letting it All Go

Sunday Matters

Hello, friends. I am trying so hard to get back into a routine of reading and posting but the process is like walking through sludge and it’s seriously frustrating because this is THE best time of the year as far as reading goes. So many great books and the weather is cooperating for once with nice cool evenings.

I really considered why I was having such a hard time and I’ve determined that my eyes are just overworked from all this computer work I’ve been doing lately. At the end of the year my eyes give out. It’s happened before but dare I say it, I think I need the type of glasses that OLDER people get, split RX. I was putting it off but I can’t anymore. I can’t see worth a darn at work. The computer screen is as far away from me as I can push it and it’s a blur. So, I made the appointment.

I feel old.  But I am going to let it all go and stop being so vain about it and just get the damn glasses.

Right Now:

At this moment I am  enjoying my coffee but I think we are going to grab lunch at this steak place we like because Monday is The Girl’s birthday!

This Week:

One orthodontist appointment and rehearsals for various things. Oh, and an update, my daughter got the role of Grace in Annie! She tried out for Hannigan and Grace. Hannigan was her first choice initially but in practicing for Grace the role really grew on her.


I’m not reading anything to brag about right now. I will be starting This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel for a book discussion I have later this month. And nope, I haven’t gotten to the King book because of how strained my eyes are at the moment.


American Horror Story this season has been epic so far. It’s paying tribute to all the slasher movies from the 80s and it’s seriously just what the doctor ordered for my distracted mind.

Also, Fear the Walking Dead ended the season on a high note. It suddenly got good! Tonight, The new season of The Walking Dead premieres so hopefully it, too, will be good.

New Things I’ve Tried:

Have you guys ever used Coconut Aminos in cooking? It’s a soy sauce alternative but to me, it’s tastes quite different but in a very good way. I have Celiac so I can’t use soy sauce but someone on Instagram used Coconut Aminos on salmon and now I am hooked. It’s sweet but savory too. Apparently it has amino acids in it which provides some health benefits. You can get it almost anywhere now.

Grateful for:

I just got all of my holiday vacation requests approved. I can’t tell you how relieved this makes me feel. We just got re-organized, AGAIN and I wasn’t so sure my time would be approved this time around. So, so, glad that it was.

My question for you this week? How are you celebrating October? I see so many great posts about the month of October. Seems like so many look forward to this time of the year and I know for me, it’s a fave of mine as well. I want all the things: fluffy blankets, new fall candles, Crock Pot meals, soups, and all the Halloween movies I can jam in. What about you?

22 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: Letting it All Go”

  1. I can relate…with being on a computer all day. It’s why I don’t read much during the week. The last thing I want to do is look closely at more words. I do have progressives, but I’m not good about using them the way I’m supposed to.

    Wondering if you ever saw Scream Queens when it was on and what you thought. Thinking of watching it on Hulu. ‘Tis the season.

    We use coconut aminos all the time in almost everything. 🙂

    I’m celebrating October with…well…knee surgery, but also to me more importantly the readathon. Again 🙂

  2. My reading has taken a hit because I’ve been so sad. First, the news about Patty and then a dear friend of ours passed away. His funeral is today and I know it’s going to be so difficult.

    Vance is buying a house so my October will probably be filled with helping him move, etc.

    1. I know. I’ve been so sad too. I didn’t realize how much I was moping around but it’s definitely affected me. I feel like I am on the other side of it now though. Hope you are too.

      Vance getting a house is huge!! Very exciting!

  3. I broke down and bought progressive lenses last month. My farsightedness has gotten worse in the past few months, affecting my night vision. But I needed something to avoid eye strain at work. I had a pair of computer-only glasses that worked but the night vision was becoming a major problem. So, I made the plunge. They’ve made all the difference, although there is a break-in period where moving while wearing them will give you one heck of a headache!

    1. We decided to go the computer glasses route first. To see if that helps me. If not I will upgrade to progressives. I am so sensitive to lens changes though and what you said about the adjustment period is what I am worried about. If it took you time, it will take me 4 times longer, guaranteed.

  4. Yes, I have old lady glasses (sorry, but that’s what I call them). It’s nice to be able to see far away and close up and to have the glasses change into sunglasses when I need them.

    Once you get your glasses, you will probably read more and write more here.

    I am a person who doesn’t read scary. October is a free reading time for me. But I love Nonfiction November, so I am already trying to get books together for that.

    1. I didn’t even tie my lack of reading and writing to my eyesight but that is absolutely what was going on. I didn’t even want to pay bills. Well, who does? But just seeing the bills at the end of the day hurt my head.

  5. I have old lady glasses too and I love mine. They are perfect for me and I like only having one pair. My husband’s vision has gotten worse and worse because of being on the computer so much. Guess it’s just a result of that for some people (or maybe all people). I’ve never had perfect vision – my first glasses in elementary school – and so I wouldn’t know. Take it easy, Ti, and do October the way you want to do it. Your thoughts about what you’re looking forward to sound fun to me.

    1. My doc is getting me a pair of glasses just for my computer at work. I do a lot of coding and that tiny text is killing me.

  6. I had perfect vision until I got a job working on a computer every day. After about 2 years I had trouble seeing, so I went to get my eyes checked and needed trifocals!!! I seriously need to go again since it’s been about 4 years since I’ve been. Yes, 4 years!

    I don’t have any definite October plans.

    1. It had been four years since my last eye doc visit too. As long as I can see, I don’t go. Really not good to wait until you get migraines but that’s what I did. I just need a separate pair of computer glasses according to the doc and he is tightening up my distance pair a tiny bit. We’ll see if it works because these past two weeks have been really difficult at work. Just cannot focus. My eyes are so strained.

  7. October is a tough time in education; it feels like we’ve been at it forever and there is no break in sight! I hope the new glasses make things better for you; there’s nothing worse that not seeing correctly. Congrats to your daughter on the part of Grace; I’m sure she’ll be great. Can’t wait to hear what you think of This is How it Always Is, which I thought was really well done. I passed it on to a friend who has a trans child and she said it was spot on with her experiences.

    1. I am part of this new discussion book club and we tend to pick books with weightier topics so I’m sure we will have plenty to discuss with the Frankel book. I need to get it read! The discussion is soon.

  8. I need to make an eye appointment, but I keep putting it off. I am constantly taking my glasses off and putting them back on–and am sure I need to do the split Rx as well. 😦 Congratulations to your daughter on getting the role of Grace! She’s going to be awesome. Mouse and I were doing some fall cleaning and I came across your son’s Dirty Rotten Scoundrels DVD. Your children are so talented. We’ve been busy with rehearsals too. My husband will be playing the role of Drosselmeier in The Nutcracker. I think he was hoping he’d just have to dance as a parent in the party scene. Haha. I hope you have a great week, Ti.

    1. Your husband is becoming a true performer. Your daughter must be so proud.

      Make the eye appointment. My father went blind due to various ailments so I am always terrified of going to the eye doctor but it turns out, I just need a little tweak to my distance RX and a pair of computer glasses to use at work. I didn’t go with the split RX this time. He said to try this and if it’s too much of a pain I can upgrade them to split. He didn’t seem to think I needed it yet.

  9. I’ve only been reading at swim practices so it has been slow going. I’m thinking about crockpot meals for this week now that it is finally cooling off here.

    1. I love crock pot meals but I need one with a timer or I need to use a timer with the ones I have. I am gone for a little too long during the day and stuff gets overcooked.

  10. Happy bday week to the Girl! Hope it’s been fun. I like slow cooker meals and made chili for a dinner party over the weekend which was perfect since it snowed here on Tues. I think as it gets closer to month’s end it would be perfect for some scary Halloween movies!

    1. I am going to work some Halloween movies in this weekend because I always want to wait until the end of the month and then I never get to them.

      Chili sounds so good. I made this white chicken chili once and I might make it again for Halloween night. I don’t know. Sloppy joes sound good too.

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