Sunday Matters: Look! I’m back!

Sunday Matters

Hello, all! I returned to the office this week after working from home since January 10th. Recovery has its ups and downs but now the good days are outweighing the bad ones so I appear to be headed into the right direction. I’m cautious though because every time I get too cocky about recovery, something knocks me down.

My first week back in the office went fairly well. The parking situation is not great so I am still getting winded on my way back to the car. It will get better once the pulmonary embolism is fully cleared.

Right Now:

Headed to student ministry for the morning through early afternoon.

This Week:

Nothing special this week. I’m trying to limit my extracurricular activities to preserve energy.


Hmmm. I am STILL reading Tom Lake! I really like it but I’ve been reading it since I was in the hospital. I don’t seem to be making much progress. I guess I am still too distracted but I want to finish it before moving on to something else.

Grateful for:

My ability to get in and out of the shower again! I was unable to for so long, without help. This entire journey has been a very humbling experience.

19 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: Look! I’m back!”

  1. Loved seeing this in my email inbox this morning!! Wonderful news, and look forward to more Sunday Matters. Tom Lake is a great read.

  2. I think of you often so love seeing these progress updates. I am so happy you are seeing improvement, even the baby steps! (My reading is up and down as I find it hard to focus lately as well. I am keeping busy though!

  3. So glad to hear you are improved to the point you can get back to your daily routine . Even though it is challenging, being able to get back to a routine can be energizing and good for your mental health.
    Be like the hare, consistent and conservative in your coming back to full speed. I’m cheering for you. 

  4. You are making progress! I assume you have a handicap parking permit, but still have a fair distance to walk to your office? Baby steps!

    1. The doc accidentally messed up my disabled parking pass but because of construction there are no nearby spots right now anyway. I just need to go slow. The strength is there but the oxygen is not.

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  5. I was so excited to see your name pop up in my Feedly feed! Yay, Ti is back 🙂

    I am so glad you are well on your way to recovery and are able to do your ministry work and work-work. That must feel so good.

    Sending hugs for even more recovery this coming week.

  6. it’s so nice catching up with you glad your doing well and getting back into your routine.🥰💐

  7. Ti, so happy to see an update from you and glad that you are well on your journey to recovery. Many thoughts and prayers have been said on your behalf. Take care and I hope that all continues to improve. Hugs to you!

  8. Ti, I’m so glad you’re back and that your recovery is going in the right direction! And I’m impressed you’re back at work, so great. I’m pulling for you & your healing.

    1. Thank you!! I had an extra long day with lots of walking due to construction at work so I went to bed at 7:30pm but feel better now.

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