Review & Tour: The Lost Art of Mixing

The Lost Art of MixingThe Lost Art of Mixing
By Erica Bauermeister
(Putnam Adult, Hardcover, 9780399162114, January 24, 2013, 288pp.)

The Short of It:

A literary treat for the senses.

The Rest of It:

If you haven’t read a book by this author yet, you are really missing out.

In The Lost Art of Mixing, Bauermeister returns to Lillian’s restaurant, first featured in The School of Essential Ingredients. Lillian’s restaurant is known for bringing people together. It’s a place to rediscover yourself and the pleasures around you. Through her carefully prepared meals and the cooking classes she offers, her simple acts of kindness provide the much-needed tonic that these folks have been searching for.

Included are some familiar characters from the first book, but we also meet Al, an accountant whose marriage has left him pondering who he is. Finnegan, nineteen years-old and orphaned at a young age, he finds solace when he gets a job as a dishwasher for the restaurant. Isabelle, who is struggling with dementia but finds a friend in Chloe, who you might remember from the first book and then finally Louise, Al’s wife who doesn’t seem to know her husband at all, but at the same time, seems to know everything about him.

The first book was filled with the smells of cooking. I literally drooled my way through it and then did not have any food in the house which was bad planning on my part. It was hard for me to believe that a book could evoke such feelings of comfort, but it really did. This time around, there is a lot less cooking, but more going on with the characters. They are complex and intricately layered with real-life problems that readers can relate to. I found the characters to be endlessly fascinating.

Additionally, there is something wonderful that happens when you return to familiar territory and I loved visiting with these characters again. The Lost Art of Mixing is a fabulous complement to The School of Essential Ingredients. Although you can read this one as a stand-alone, I encourage you to read her other book first. The writing is wonderful in both and trust me, you’ll want to extend your visit once you are done reading them.

Release Note: This wonderful book does not hit the shelves until January 24, 2013!  If you can hold out, I promise to host a giveaway once the book is released.

Erica Bauermeister

Erica’s website.

Erica’s Facebook page.

Erica’s TLC tour stops.

TLC Book Tours

Source: Review copy provided by the publisher via TLC Book Tours.
Disclosure: This post contains Indiebound affiliate links.

27 thoughts on “Review & Tour: The Lost Art of Mixing”

  1. Thank you for the review Ti, I had not heard of this writer earlier, but I looked her up on Goodreads and she seems to have won a lot of hearts with her first book. Have already bought it now, will devour it this weekend.

    1. It would have been great to read them back to back. I still have her other book on my shelf, Joy for Beginners that I won and forgot to read! 

    1. Both books are quick reads. You might take an extra day to linger with them for a while but you can easily finish them in an afternoon. 

  2. I so, so need to read this book, after loving both of her others. She is a very talented lady, and I love the way she can capture a character in just a minute space. Excellent review today, Ti.

  3. I own a copy of The School of Essential Ingredients. I’ve heard great things about it from a lot of bloggers. I read the first story and thought it was good, and then got sidetracked with other books and never made my way back to it. I should pick it up again at some point.

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