Review: Tuesday Nights in 1980

Tuesday Nights in 1980

Tuesday Nights in 1980
By Molly Prentiss
Gallery/Scout Press, Hardcover, 9781501121043, April 2016, 336pp.

The Short of It:

If a book can give you “feels” then this is the one to do it.

The Rest of It:

Synethesia: the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.

James Bennett is an art critic but one unlike the ones you’ve read about in the past. James is synesthetic. He might experience a “taste” while looking at a painting, or he might “hear” a color, instead of just simply seeing a color. This gives him an edge in the art world but it also creates problems for him and his wife, as his obsession with certain pieces take over their lives.

This was such an interesting, and absorbing read.  There are dual story lines in this novel and it is done so beautifully. It took me forever to read this one because nearly every other sentence was worthy of being highlighted. Prentiss does an amazing job capturing the New York art scene. It’s so vivid and full of life. Pulsing, really.  There’s tragedy and hope and longing and it’s all so perfectly imperfect, if that makes any sense at all.

I adored this book. I need to own a copy in print just so I can hold it because fondling my Kindle copy is just not acceptable.

Source: Review copy provided by the publisher via Edelweiss.
Disclosure: This post contains Indiebound affiliate links.

16 thoughts on “Review: Tuesday Nights in 1980”

  1. Sounds like you really enjoyed this one – that’s great! I tried reading it, but for some reason I couldn’t get into it. I wound up DNFing it. Of course, now I’m wondering if maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood to read it. I might have to give it another go.

  2. Hi
    i haven’t been commenting too much i had a stroke. I am home now will try to catch up while rehabbing. I am so glad to be back on the internet.

  3. I just read the first paragraph of this book on JoAnn’s blog (Lakeside Musing) and was greatly impressed. She said she got the novel as soon as she read your review. I see why. Make that two of us as I want ro read it too.
    P.S. I also learned a new word in your post: synesthetic. Thanks Ti.

  4. Yeah fondling the Kindle isn’t the same. This novel sounds artsy! Is Prentiss a new author? Haven’t heard of her, but I have seen this book. thanks for the review.

  5. Been hesitating about this one – I thought maybe it wouldn’t be so easy to connect with it. Turns out … I’m still undecided 😦 I’m the worst!

    1. Well, I loved this one. I am a sucker for books that center around art in any way, shape or form. Plus, I loved how the story unfolded. It was well done. I think you would love it for the writing.

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