You know how I said I was going to read a chunkster over the summer?

The Summer of King

It turned into what you see above—a chunkster and a half.

The other day, I shared this article on Facebook about all of the TV/Movie projects that Stephen King has in the works and then a group of us started talking about how there are so many books that we haven’t read, or have read and forgotten, that we almost need to read them again before all this stuff hits the big screen.

I cannot think of a better way to spend the summer. I wanted to read something deep and meaningful but I took a look in the mirror and I look and feel like hell. Chalk it up to a very stressful year but I am going to cut myself some slack and just read for fun. I recently finished Mr. Mercedes so why not just keep going?

Funny, because the two I chose to read are not any of the movie/TV projects he is working on! Oh well. Desperation weighs in at over 700 pages and I’ve read it before, but can’t remember a thing about it. Now I am wondering if I read it at all. The Regulators was written under Richard Bachman (his pen name) but I had not heard of it before. It’s about a suburban neighborhood in the summer that goes completely crazy in a classic King way. Doesn’t it sound good?

I downloaded both from the library and plan to dive into one of them tomorrow. I know I am supposed to be reading my book club book (The Goldfinch) and I will at some point, but for now, I need a break.

If anyone wants to read with me just let me know.

26 thoughts on “You know how I said I was going to read a chunkster over the summer?”

  1. Ack! OMG those were huge reads. I read them both when they came out and I don’t remember a whole lot about them either, except that the stories are connected in some way. Actually just last fall I listened to Insomnia (narrated expertly by the late Eli Wallach), another one I remembered loving but couldn’t recall any specific details. I’d love to join you but I’m feeling overwhelmed at all the books I want to read NOW. I MAY listen to Duma Key on audio, because I have it loaded. So that could count, right?

    1. You are now the second person to tell me that the two are related in some way. The other reader described them as being  two sides of the same coin. I wonder if it matters which one I read first. I had no idea they were related in any way. 


    1. I still have review books to read too but these will be my fun reads, the ones that I can take my time with. 


    1. Yes!! Check! Mine did not have a hard copy but had plenty eBook copies available. 


  2. I love it! The Summer of King sounds like what you need right now, so I say enjoy 🙂 I’ve never read either of those books and instead opted for a book of his novellas. I want to dip in and out of King throughout the summer and figured it would be the perfect way. Feel better and have fun with King!

  3. You and Jill are my Stephen King temptresses. I have only read 11/22/63. I LOVED it, but am afraid of him otherwise. Any suggestions on where to start with him?

        1. SO glad you enjoyed The Shining. Doctor Sleep has a totally different feel to it. I will be interested to hear your thoughts after you read it.  I can’t wait for Revival this November!! I am pretty sure I will be doing a read along for it. Stay tuned!


  4. I think we could all do a bit better and cut ourselves some slack! I’ve been doing that this year with the Outlander books–though I am forcing myself to read a few other things before I dive into the fourth installment. ENJOY sweet lady!!! Enjoy!

  5. I really need to get to more of King’s work! I used to read tons of his stuff, but then took a break until I broke out The Shining last fall. Then, I picked up a few more of his books and I just want to keep reading more. I still have so much of his stuff to read!!

    1. I have to be careful with my King reading because he kind of ruins me for other books. After finishing one of his, I tend to not want to read anything but him for awhile. 


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