Long Weekends, Mint Infused Limeade and a Birthday!

Grab Your Book

Guess what, guys? Today is my Friday! I know some people have to work over the holiday but I think many of you are off. What do you have planned for the long weekend? BBQs? Picnics? Trips to the beach? Initially I thought we might have some people over. At least, that is what The Girl thought. She dreams up these gatherings on her own. Unfortunately, after working all week the last thing I want to do is throw a party of any kind. Call me anti-social. I’ll forgive you.

Right now, the plan is to make a big pot of chili, grill some burgers and hot dogs and watch a bunch of movies. The movies? Haven’t picked them out yet but it doesn’t even matter. Me, in front of the TV with my feet up is all that matters and if that happens, all will be right in the world. I also plan to mix-up some Mint Infused Limeade. We sampled this drink a few weeks ago and it was very refreshing! This drink is non-alcoholic but you could add a little vodka if you wanted to add a little something to it.


Mint infused limeade
Photo & Recipe from Food & Style

Somewhere in all of this we will watch the Nathan’s hot dog Eating contest! It’s a tradition to watch but depending on who is in it, I sometimes have a mini-gag fest with myself. It’s just not attractive to watch a bunch of guys scarf food down in that manner. And yeah, it somehow does not affect our own hot dog eating, which is a little weird if you ask me.

Fireworks? We might all pile into the car last-minute to see the fireworks in progress,  but I doubt we will want to after the sloth of the day. None of us like crowds and we have the Otter Pup to consider and she’ll be 4 years-old tomorrow! We knew she was about 5-6 months old when we rescued her so we picked July 4th for her birthday. She has been a joy. I think she likes us too. Can you tell?

The Otter Pup and The Hub
The Otter Pup is 4 years old!

Oh, and I can’t forget the reading can I? That is a huge part of my weekend. Especially since I am still limping along with The Goldfinch. Much more fun to discuss is The Summer of King. I started The Regulators and it’s reminding me a bit of Mr. Mercedes, at least in its opening. It takes place in the summer so it’s the perfect read for me right now. I just want to drop everything to read it. I am not that far in, only about 15% but I can already tell that I am going to like it.

That said, grab your book, pour a refreshing drink and enjoy your weekend!

18 thoughts on “Long Weekends, Mint Infused Limeade and a Birthday!”

  1. Food, relaxing in front of the TV and a bit of reading sounds heavenly! I’m definitely looking forward to this long weekend, too 🙂 I plan on grilling some steaks and roasting potatoes – and finally making the chocolate strawberry cake I saw on Pioneer Woman (yum!!). As for reading, I will finish Mrs. Hemingway (OMFG, I love this book so hard!!) and then start something fun (maybe King). And, I may get lost in the Walking Dead marathon. Hope you have a great weekend with your family, Ti!!

    1. How could I have forgotten The Walking Dead marathon??? Yes… of course. That will be watched off and on for sure. 


  2. Ooh I was looking for about her summer book. Not sure if I’ll get to it this year but will keep it in mind. I finally read Jaws just recently because i remeber you said (a couple years ago?) that it was a good read for the summer.

  3. I am also looking forward to a day of nothing….maybe I should feel bad that we have no plans, but I am pretty excited to relax (and that is even with me not working over the summer). Today was my oldest daughter’s annual oncology check-up, and they just take a lot out of me – and her. The bloodwork all checked out, except for her one thyroid number (TSH). I could write a book on the liver, but not on the thyroid. Now I am stuck trying to contact someone in the pediatric clinic to see if she needs to see endocrinology again or what the plan is. And Big Sister is none too pleased with any of it. We did manage to eat lunch at the Olive Garden and do a bit of shopping, but now that we are home I would love to take a nap.
    Enjoy your relaxing 4th!

    1. Thyroid numbers can go off for any number of reasons. I hope they can get her in soon so you can relax a little. 

      It’s funny because I have no desire at all to do much of anything. I would be really happy to just stare at the wall these days.  Enjoy your do-nothing weekend. I hate that I have to go to the market tonight so that I can do nothing tomorrow but I do not know magic and there is no other way to fill the fridge. 


  4. I hopeI get plenty read too this weekend. I have tomorrow off as well and today is my birthday. My dog is turning 4 too towards the end of this month. These adorable critters! Enjoy your long weekend!

    1. Happy Birthday to you!! I hope you have a fabulous day! Whatever you do, I hope it’s great. You deserve it!


  5. I got word that the book Regulators is ready for me to pick up, but alas I will have to wait until after the weekend because the library is closed until Monday! Have a great 4th! We don’t have any solid plans yet.

    1. You gave up after that many pages?? I am now 35% in on my Kindle. I am getting into it more but still no action really.  I am okay with non-action if the characters move me and right now, this Boris kid has my attention. 


  6. Early part of day today: Reading blogs, drinking iced coffee. Later: Reading book (will tell you later what one :)), mowing lawn (necessary plus it’s cool here today so it’s…well…cool). Burgers, sweet potato fries later. Oh, and bacon eggs with brunch in just a bit. Rest of weekend: antisocial (reading, reading, reading…and um, yeah, Netflix bingeing…oh, nap too) except church on Saturday night, followed by a drinkalong on Twitter with movie The Life Aquatic.

  7. Cute photo of Otter pup and the Hub. Our yellow Lab just turned 2 this month and she’s a lot of fun. Likes to swim.

    1. Have you posted a pic of your lab recently? I think I may have lost you on Feedly again. I will check. 


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