Sunday Matters: Summer Reading?

Sunday Matters

Each year I love to share a summer reading list. This year, it will most likely be a list of books I’ve been wanting to get to . As you know, I just recently began reading again so my pace is slow, but steady. I’ve been taking my time with each book I read which is why there haven’t been too many reviews. I  kind of like the slower pace. Gives me more time to ponder what I’ve read.

Right Now:

Student ministry for most of the day. A little longer than usual as we have a meeting right after. It’s JUMP weekend. All the grades move up. It’s exciting to welcome the new 7th graders. There will be crazy games and lots of fun.

This Week:

My MRI results were pretty good but then another doctor weighed in and mentioned possible re-growth of the tumor. God, I hope not. He said it could also be post-operative scar tissue. Let’s pray it’s that. Next MRI will be in September.

I thought my CT chest scan was to check on the pulmonary embolism but nooooo, it was a scan for lung cancer because they saw a mass in February. NO ONE ever mentioned it to me.

However, no sign of cancer, heart and aortic everything is good. Lungs are good. Thank God. Thank you for the prayers.

Last weekend we hit Palm Springs. I was a little hesitant to  leave the comfort of home. After such a long recovery, new environments unsettle me a little bit. It was a lovely visit. I felt almost totally normal and the pup loves the extra walks and dog park visits.

This was my view each morning:

Palm Springs


I did get Stephen King’s new book this weekend but haven’t cracked it open yet. I need to go through  my shelf to see what I have to review, read for book club, and the like. I may just totally go by mood and pick a page-turner.

Grateful for:

The YouVersion Bible app. I prefer to read my actual Bible but the app makes it so easy to read, well, everywhere. I spend much more time in scripture because of that app. I like the note taking features too. I especially enjoy selecting plans for The Hub and I to read together.

Hey, that’s all I have. I hope you have an amazing week!

7 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: Summer Reading?”

  1. The medical stuff is just never-ending and so scary, especially when we feel we aren’t being given all the information. It’s always good to have someone along with you at these appointments as a second set of eyes and ears.

    I am so glad to hear that the scans are coming back with good news and that you managed to get on a little vacation. I am sure that was psychologically tough, but also good for you.

  2. The lungs are all good! Yay. I wish they could tell you the other part is just scar tissue not re-growth. Why did the other doctor say that, grrr. That’s wonderful you got out to Palm Springs! Hooray what a lovely view. I’ve just taken up golf again so it looks good to me. I’m just starting River East, River West … a debut by Aube Rey Lescure. A China set novel; I hope it’s good. Keep healing. I read slowly too.

  3. I suppose the docs need to cover their butts when it comes to a diagnoses. It did put me on guard a little. But, they will be re-scanning in Sept so we shall see.

  4. Glad to hear your health update. We’ll keeping praying that all will be well and your re-scan in September is great. Enjoy your summer reading (at your own pace), Ti!

  5. Nice of them to mention that they thought there might be something in your lungs. Goodness…that’s scary. Glad it turned out there was nothing there. I am glad you are taking time to read and be in a new place. Hopefully it won’t be unsettling forever.

  6. I’m glad these tests are behind you for now (and with no bad news!), and hopefully, you can relax and enjoy your summer.

    Your get-away to Palm Springs sounds lovely. I’ve been a few times and the first time it was far too hot! I think we were there in mid-June.

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