Tournament of Books 2013

TOB 2013

I’ve mentioned this tournament before but I am so excited when they announce the book list for the coming year. Beginning in March, these books will be matched-up against one another and will duke it out until a winner has been chosen. The judges for each match are usually very funny and extremely well-read and they change every year.

Even if you choose not to follow the tournament itself, what a great book list. Everyone loves a good list.

The 2013 Tournament of Books Finalists

Pre-Tournament Playoff Round

For more information, visit their website.

18 thoughts on “Tournament of Books 2013”

    1. Nothing to figure out. In March, the books are matched-up and the judges push for their fave. They win in rounds, like a boxing match.

  1. For the past few years, I had been hoping to do the tournament. But something always came in the way. I hope I can do it this year! The book list is awesome!

      1. Hehe… I actually want to read that too. Do they say when they choose that last book? I looked at the website and the current book list but didn’t find a schedule anywhere.

        1. The entire schedule will be posted sometime in March. There isn’t a set date but as soon as it is, I will post about it. 

  2. I’ve read 4 and would have to vote for The Round House based on what I’ve read. It’ll be interesting.

  3. I’m SO excited that I actually read books on the list this year. This has never happened. There are some tough choices on that list, but I will definitely be curious to see how far Gone Girl and TFIOS goes.

    1. To date, I’ve read four on the list but there are at least four others that I had planned to read this year. I can’t wait to hear the comments for Gone Girl. 

  4. What a great list! I’d love to read many of them. I’ve read, The Fault in our Stars and The Song of Achilles, both of which I loved. Gone Girl really didn’t do it for me.

  5. I’ve read quite a few of these, and need to read more of them. I particularly want to read Round House soon after reading a quite a few positive reviews of it. I can’t wait to see how this goes. This is one competition that I follow from beginning to end!

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