Sunday Matters: The Warm Weather Has Arrived

Sunday Matters

Our  weather has been really lovely for months. Sunny, but on the cool side. This past week the temps have jumped up and boy do I feel it on that long walk back to the car after work. It definitely feels like summer!

Since we don’t have any big plans for the summer I am looking forward to putting some things in order around the house. I’ll be the first to admit that the house took a backseat during my recovery but things are slowly getting addressed. Like my closet, and my book stacks. Ahem.

Right Now:

Student ministry this morning into the afternoon. We are beginning a new series today so I am looking forward to it.

This Week:

I don’t have much going on this week. I need to sit down and plan out what food to serve when I host book club on the 19th. I was a little worried about getting home from work in time to entertain but I just noticed that June 19th is Juneteenth and it’s a state holiday for me! Yay! I won’t have to rush home from work.


I just started One Big Happy Family by Jamie Day. It comes out 7/16!


Grateful for:

Coffee/tea dates with friends. It’s always good to catch-up.

What’s new with you? What are you reading? Taking any trips?

4 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: The Warm Weather Has Arrived”

  1. Our weather is finally “warming up” here, too. Of course, that means we’re now in the 60s instead of the 50s. 😉

    We don’t have as many summer visitors as we did last year, so I’m planning to do some de-cluttering and organizing, too. We have a garage sale coming up in a couple of weeks and whatever doesn’t sell is getting donated.

    No trips in the future until September. We plan to drive to the Tetons for a couple of weeks. All in all, it will be a 5+ week RV trip and I can’t wait!

    Currently reading Family Family by Laurie Frankel. It’s great!

    Enjoy your weekend, Ti!

  2. Yes, it’s hot here. But it’s June. No surprise. Hope your book group time goes well. I’m trying to decide what to read next. I have a lot of choices on my TBR, but I may just go ahead and take care of my mystery book group read for July and then have some time free to read whatever strikes me. Have a good week, Ti!

  3. Sounds like you have the warm weather we had weeks ago and I have your cooler temps. 🙂 I just finished a poetry book, but I’m listening to “Home Is Where the Bodies Are” by Jeneva Rose on audio at the moment. I finished Whoopi Goldberg’s memoir last week, which was good. Also an audio listen for me. Have a great week.

  4. You are so lucky to be having good weather. Santa Barbara has been foggy since early May. And now I am in NY with my daughter and it has been cloudy and/or raining every day. I feel the need for some sunshine on my skin!

    I haven’t read at all this week or last. With my daughter around I just don’t have time. Maybe on tomorrow’s flight home if I don’t get sucked into a movie.

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