The Sunday Salon: Why Me?

Sunday Salon

Warning. This is probably the most pitiful Sunday Salon you’ll ever get from me and that’s because this weekend, my glorious weekend, took a big unexpected turn.

I spent Saturday morning getting my permanent crown put in. Good, right? Once I got home and the numbness wore off, I felt pain in the tooth directly above it. It’s chipped! Actually, half of it is gone. This is NOT GOOD! It’s never good but it’s really not good because I have no time for this! We are in production week for The Music Man and it’s a week of me leaving early from work and running around trying to get these kids fed and to the stage on time. There were two times where the drill knocked up against that tooth, but I was numb, I didn’t feel much besides the slip. I put a call in to the dentist but I really dread what he will say.

THEN, The Boy gets hit with sickness. On his Winter Formal night. So a night that he has been planning for ages is ruined by illness. He made a show of going, but he came home last night and is now really sick. So sick, that I don’t know what will happen with the show. There are no absences during production week but after four months of rehearsing for this part, it would be a real shame if he can’t perform by this Friday. We’ve got the entire family coming to see him. He told all his friends. Please, please think good thoughts for him. I am debating taking him to urgent care just to be seen but right now, there is nothing remarkable besides the fever that he is complaining of.

So as you can see, my weekend has been exciting but not in a good way. I am in pain, The Boy is not well and I am just irritated over all of it. I have no photos from Winter Formal since he wasn’t feeling well and well, I just feel sorry for myself. I dread the upcoming week, too. How I am going to fit more dental work in? I don’t know.

If I could concentrate on reading, I’d be reading Caroline Leavitt’s Is This Tomorrow. I have been friends with her on Facebook for a while so I thought I’d read her new one. Boy, she sure has a way with words.

Anyway, so sorry to deliver such a dour, depressing Salon today. It’s gloomy and cloudy here and with all that is going on, this is as perky as I get 😉 See? That’s perky, right?

Oh, and for those that signed up for #winditup2013, we have over twenty people now! Keep spreading word!

30 thoughts on “The Sunday Salon: Why Me?”

  1. Sounds like a miserable weekend! There is just about nothing that I hate more than going to the dentist, except for going to the dentist twice in rapid succession. That just super sucks. As does that doom-y feeling of knowing you have to fit something unexpected and time consuming in a week that has no time to start with.

    Hope they can fix the damage done to your tooth and that the Boy makes a speedy recovery!

    1. Yes! The dooms feeling sucks! I have an appt now for Wed and the boy just got a z pack at urgent care. Crossing my fingers it does the trick.

  2. OMG. I am so sorry to hear how badly your week is going. When it rains it pours. Always something. I am putting out a prayer for it all to be better.

  3. Oh man! I hope everything works out for you this week Ti. So much hard work goes into those rehearsals that I hope he will be able to perform. Your family will be in my prayers!

    1. Thank you! The urgent care doc took pity on the kid. He is on a Z pack and codeine now. Hopefully, he will be able to perform. He is on stage for rehearsal for 6 hours tonight. My van is ready with blankets and pillows for his one hour break. He has long nights all this week!

  4. How could you not feel depressed?? Geesh! When it rains, I guess it really does pour. I’m sending out positive thoughts and prayers for the Boy to bounce back from the bug. Also many many more for you and your tooth!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Oh no, I am so so sorry about all that trouble. 😦 The tooth thing is so maddening! Aren’t they being paid to do a good job? And shouldn’t they have noticed the chipped issue while it happened? That is crazy! And I hope your son gets better soon – I am sending my thoughts his way hoping that he will be able to make it for the show!

    1. He probably didn’t see it since it’s an upper and he was concentrating on the lower but I know he is going to say it was liked that before. It wasn’t and I was just there for the prep work and he never mentioned it.

  6. Well, that sucks all the way around. It seems like a big problem that the dentist should have noticed!!! And I hope the Boy recovers quickly so he can be in his show. It is bad enough he missed the big dance. Hang in there.

  7. Ti, I’m so sorry. Talk about a rotten weekend! Your tooth! The Boy being sick. UGH! I’m sending good vibes your way and hope he gets well before the big show and that your tooth gets fixed. Take care!

  8. Sorry to hear Ti. Sounds really irritating about the dentist. Argh let them have it! As for the Boy, I hope the tides change and the fever turns. I will send good thoughts …

  9. OMG…there has to be a silver lining coming soon! I wish I could do something to help! And how could the dentist not notice that chipped tooth?

    1. I don’t know, but half of it is broken down to the gumline. I don’t think they can even put a crown on it. I really don’t want a root canal and post to be put in. My jaw is killing me since my bites is so off. I am so upset.

  10. Ugh, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you are starting to feel at least a little better by now. I have to have a poorly done root canal corrected so I have an idea of your frustration. Hopefully, things will get better for you soon. Something awesome must be waiting just around the corner.

  11. What a total drag! I had the grunge last week with 3 days of fever (I escaped the high fever everyone else seems to be getting). I do hope your son feels better and that fixing your tooth (at the dentist’s expense, I hope) is painless

  12. I’m praying for and thinking positive thoughts for your son to feel better and for your pain to go away. (I read your post Sunday butdidn’t have time to reply, so sorry, but you’ve been on my mind)
    I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. I hope you can get to the dentist soon because toothache pain is awful. It might be a good idea to take your son to urgent care. A Dr. might be able to give him some intravenous medicine that will help him feel better quickly, especially so he can be in the show.

    I’m really looking forward to #winditup2013, too. Take care for now.

    1. Thanks, Amy! My dental appt is tomorrow morning. The Boy had to visit urgent care last night. He walked out with a z-pack and heavy cough meds. He is home again from school today. I just called him and his voice is completely shot. I sure hope he can do the show. 

      Visit my blog: Book Chatter

  13. Glad to hear The Boy is on the mend. Hope the tooth isn’t causing you too much trouble and that prodution week is going well!

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