Poor Planning Pity Party

Kindle - Mockingjay

Planning is my thing but somehow, I neglected to plan properly for this day. Yes, today is the day that Mockingjay hits the shelves and in this case, my Kindle. I pre-ordered it and when I woke this morning, it was happily sitting there, waiting for me to read it. BUT, I am working today and it’s the first week of classes here so I won’t be able to sneak a page in here and there, like I had hoped. I feel as if everyone left for the party and I am still sitting at home in my bathrobe.

The funny thing is…I didn’t think the first two books were written well but I did get caught up in the story and the hype and team this and that. BTW, what team do you think I’m on? Anyway, I think most of the excitement over these books comes from the fact that people everywhere are reading them. There is just something so wonderful about groups of people reading the same book, at the same time.

So, as my busy day unfolds, I will think fondly of all of you out there, who planned properly for this day. I won’t be able to settle down with it until around 9pm tonight. Sigh.

20 thoughts on “Poor Planning Pity Party”

  1. I also preordered it on my Kindle – only to find out that Amazon didn’t consider it 9/24 until it was 9/24 on the West Coast – so I stayed up until midnight for nothing. Now, I can’t seem to get it loaded on my Kindle. Mine’s a first generation, so this has me more and more anxious for the arrival of my new Kindle later this month. I have read a little bit from my personal PC though. It kind of has me wishing I had at least skimmed through the second book or reread the last chapter. I’m a little rusty, even though I’ve always been firmly in camp Team Peeta. 🙂

    Good luck with today, my friend. We’ll get to it – I feel quite certain. 🙂 Thankfully I’ve not seen any spoilers in my book blogging Twitter feed. I wouldn’t click on the Mockingjay trending topic though… 🙂

  2. You want to hear something funny… outside of the blogging world…. I don’t know one person who has read or heard of these books!

    I haven’t read one but hope you enjoy it – it will either be wonderful or disappoint. I hope it’s meets your expectations. 🙂

  3. I’m sort of in your boat. I HAD to get the book on audio, because the kids and I have “read” all the other two on audio together. I am certain Amazon is shipping my copy today, but will arrive later in the week. Which makes me nuts, but then I decided it was more important to share this with my kids than be one of the first to read it.

  4. Apparently I am a little slow on the uptake..I was lamenting not having pre-ordered it and thinking about running out during lunch to try and buy a copy. Didn’t even think of my Kindle. DUH me! Guess I can have it right away even though I didn’t plan ahead!

  5. Well at least you have your Kindle! lol Mine is supposed to be shipped on Friday so I should be getting it next week…I’m just impatient I guess.

  6. I guess we’ll be doing a lot of avoiding reviews till we can read it! I’ve got to get going and re-read the first two before I can start on #3. But I have some review obligations first. Ack!

  7. I’m just not listening to THE HUNGER GAMES for the first time and I have to say that I’m underwhelmed. I expected to be more into it by now but so far it’s just OK …

    1. I know. It’s really not that fantastic. I can see why people get caught up in it though. I’m older than most of its readers so it reminds me too much of Logan’s Run and Running Man.  Nothning new, really.

  8. I love how you said that, ” I feel as if everyone left for the party and I am still sitting at home in my bathrobe.” I feel that way too. I have yet to have a chance to read the second book (but I devoured the first). And now everyone will be talking about MockingJay and I will have to be so very careful to watch out for spoilers. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to just whip through Catching Fire today or tomorrow and then get on the MJ boat before everyone spills the beans on Twitter and their blogs. I saw badges on people’s blogs before I was finished with Hunger Games and those told me who lived at the end of it. I was pretty disappointed. Don’t want that to happen again. So, long story long… I’m “home in my bathrobe” too, but not planning on staying here for long. 😉

    1. I know. On FB I narrowly avoided two spoilers already. I am going to read it tonight or tomorrow just to avoid the added stress!

  9. I haven’t read the first 2, so I am definitely missing the party. I can picture you up all night with this one…LOL enjoy

  10. Ti, I haven’t read any of this series – although the first two books are sitting on my nightstand. I’m thinking I might have to dive in this weekend and find out what all the fuss is about. Sounds like I’m missing something fun. And like you, I love it when everyone is reading the same book – it adds a level of excitement and makes me want to read that book even more. I remember when I lived in England and that anytime a new Harry Potter book came out, everywhere I went people had their copies in hand – I loved it! Well, I hope you get to start in on Mockingjay tonight – enjoy your read!!

  11. My son and I are getting our copy this weekend. The quicker you read it the sooner all of the excitement is over. So it’s best just to know it’s waiting for you…right??? 😀

  12. I was on vacation, so I didn’t get to read it until I got back and found it waiting among a pile of book packages. I finished it yesterday and thought it was very good! I hope you’re liking it!

  13. I got caught up in the hype too … and I preordered it so I wouldn’t “miss out” on everyone reading it at the same time. I thought I had preordered it for my Kindle so I expected to have it for our recent vacation … but I’d ordered the hard copy (for only $8.44 from Amazon!!!) and had to wait until I got home.

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