Sunday Matters: School’s Out

Sunday Matters

School is out. It’s a good feeling. The Girl will be taking some classes for independent study but they won’t start until after production week for Oliver. There’s volleyball camp sprinkled in there too but doable.

Summer session started at the university. It’s a much slower pace here at work than say fall or spring semester but we really don’t get a break like the professors do. I’m okay with it though. The campus is pretty empty and very pretty this time of year.

Right Now:

Coffee. Church. In that order.

This Week:

We have to figure out drop off and pick up for volleyball camp but it will all work out. I’ve got life group on Tuesday and book club on Thursday. Production week for Oliver doesn’t start until June 11th so we’ve got a little more time to prep for that. I love it when they are actually in the theatre.


My book club pick, A Truck Full of Money was a DNF for me. It just didn’t pull me in. Right after it I picked up Go Ask Fannie which did pull me in. The review should post this week. I just started Other People’s Houses. I wasn’t all that into it at first but it’s growing on me.


Fear the Walking Dead took a break last week so I will be watching it tonight.

It’s been shared by several media sources that Andy Lincoln (Rick) from The Walking Dead will not finish out season 9. I don’t see how the show can continue without him! Do you?

Roseanne. Ugh. I kept watching the reboot because of how much I loved the old shows but this season has been so painful to watch. I tuned in, hoping to see some of what made the show popular years ago but this season has been nothing but politics on parade. And then the Tweet and the cancellation that followed. She has a lot of supporters and plenty of critics. Not sure what this will all mean since another TV personality just pulled a “Roseanne” and still has her show on the air.


I’ve been craving spaghetti and meatballs. I still haven’t figured out a good gluten-free alternative for the breadcrumbs. Sometimes I use potato flakes and sometimes toasted GF bread but the texture is off. Maybe I will make a batch and hope for the best.

Grateful for:

Great books. This week I was surprised by two books I picked up. I figured they would be kind of light and fluffy based on their covers but they were surprisingly meaty. As they say… don’t judge a book by its cover.

On that note, what book has surprised you recently? In a good way, or bad?

19 thoughts on “Sunday Matters: School’s Out”

  1. Glad summer will hopefully be more relaxed for you. We started Kings Sleeping Beauties this week and after about one hour of listening We decided to bail. I’m hoping the new book will be better.

    1. Sleeping Beauties wasn’t good at all. BUT, this new one is pretty good. I am not that far in but I know others who have finished it already and they’ve given it their seal of approval both in print and on audio.

  2. I always loved the slower pace of summer when my son was in school.

    I didn’t watch the Roseanne reboot because I was over her a while ago. I missed the other actor pulling a “Roseanne.”

  3. Yay for pretty empty and very pretty and coffee and church. Especially coffee. 😉 Roseanne? Good riddance to her. Sad for the other people on the show. I was surprised recently by Pines, the first in the Wayward Pines trilogy, by Blake Crouch, who also wrote Dark Matter. It was a good pageturner and I picked up the second and third in the trilogy and am looking forward to reading them soon.

    1. I’ve not heard of that trilogy. I’ve heard of Dark Matter though. I am about 60 pages into King’s new book and it’s quite good so far.

  4. I ditto Bryan’s comment about Roseanne with good riddance. She started this new show/season going into it as a Trump supporter and has been spewing racist crap for years prior to this. As for Samantha Bee’s comment, honestly, I don’t find it so horrible. The choice of word was a bit unfortunate, but that seems to me to be yet another word that started out as a positive one but was appropriated by misogynists to mean something else entirely. I side with those who feel we need to take it back away from them and stop giving it power over women. Which starts by accepting Bee’s comments as is.

    Holly technically still has four more days of school, but two of those days don’t count thanks to eighth grade activities during the school day. I know she is ready to be done. I am thankful that dance is done for the next two weeks, so that we can enjoy the evenings!

    1. First day of volleyball camp today and then I have to leave work early to finish my daughter’s independent study registration and then go to more volleyball practice, homeless outreach volunteering and then Oliver rehearsal Monday are my beast days.

  5. Yay for Summer. Sounds like things will be a bit more relaxed for you 🙂 As for the whole Rick thing, you know how I feel – the same as you (how can the show go on without him?!). Okay, so I’m now half way through the King and am trying to figure out what is going on. I am really digging this book. And I just saw that he as a novella coming out later this year. What?! How exciting! So many good books to look forward to 🙂

    1. You are already half way thru?? Probably done now. Must be good. I am enjoying what I have read so far which isn’t much. About 60 pages. I love all the personal accounts and how King gives each and every witness his/her own distinct voice. He is so good as pegging a personality type.

      I wanted nothing more than to lie around reading it all day yesterday but I was volunteering last night so I only got to read a handful of pages.

  6. The tweets & comments sure have gotten nasty. Both were dumb. & the Bee thing surprised me. How do they think these things up? WD would be a no-go without Rick. Actually it’s a no-go for us, the past couple seasons. A book that surprised me lately? Maybe Eleanor Oliphant. I was expecting nothing perhaps, but enjoyed it.

    1. Eleanor Oliphant doesn’t look like much to me from its cover but everyone I know who has read it has said nothing but good things.

      As for all this Twitter stuff…people don’t know how to be human anymore. Where is common decency these days? I am not a fan of Ivanka but Bee’s comment and use of the C word makes me ill. I hate that word. Especially when a woman flings it at another woman.

  7. I never really liked Roseann when it was on previously so I had no desire to watch the reboot, especially being aware of the things she has posted on her Twitter account. So I wasn’t surprised by her inability to maintain a neutral presence out there.
    The book that surprised me lately? Can’t say that there has been one that really surprised me recently. Other than that, even though Middlesex is highly regarded, for some reason I really wasn’t thinking I was going to like it nearly as much as I did.

    1. I really had no problem with the original Roseanne but I had many problems with the reboot.

      Middlesex was a slow burn for me. It stayed with me for a long, long time but while I was reading it I didn’t feel all that impressed. If that makes any kind of sense.

  8. I didn’t miss an episode of the original series but I only watched the first 2 episodes of the new show. Just wasn’t the same.

    1. So now that you guys are officially done with school what plans do you have? I have none but that’s really okay with me. I am taking some long weekends here and there but will leave them open for now.

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